A Field Trial South of Sandwich in 1883

                                                             Thanks  to Gary Moss for the above  picture of the Reliance binder


The following article from the Sandwich Argus in 1883 tells us about a Sandwich farmer that was  testing 2 different binders to see which one would  better suit his needs. Julius Hummel, of Sandwich, owned a large business that sold farm implements, musical instruments, carriages,  Sandwich sewing machines, plus much more.  Mr.  Hummel supplied both binders for this test.  

Mr. A. Otto, living on a farm one mile south of Sandwich was interested in purchasing a self binder. He wanted to see the Sandwich Reliance binder and the Dennett binder at work, agreeing to purchase the machine that did the best work regardless of the price. The Reliance was priced at $80 more than the Dennett machine. So, on Saturday afternoon last, both machines were on hand. Mr. Otto drove both machines with his own team. The oats were heavy and badly lodged in places. He used the Dennett machine for two rounds, but it choked up badly numerous times. The Reliance made it's two rounds without a choke. On the second round a reel slat broke and and a bolt was loose so that the binder rebounded a few bundles, but was soon fixed and it worked like a charm. Mr. Otto was then asked if he was satisfied to make a choice. He said that he was, and he commented that with all the work done, draft and all points considered, he would take the Reliance. Then up went up three cheers for the victor! The Sandwich Reliance fears no competition or grain that grows, say nothing of those that bark at her.  I sold three machines in this week, August Otto, Andrew Gilchrist, and C. H. Christian.

J. M. Hummel


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Adams & French Harvester

  Augustus Adams started developing binders and reapers in the summer of 1850 while he was still living in Elgin. He was the first to introd...