Picture Day at Sandwich Manufacturing Co.

  I'm not sure what the occasion was for this picture, but it's certainly worthy of display.

photo courtesy of the Sandwich Historical Society

Here is a picture of  the office building today

Sandwich Manufacturing in 1885

Map of the  Northwest portion of Sandwich showing the Sandwich Manufacturing Company as it appeared in 1885.  It would continue to grow, and a 1913 newspaper article tells us it  covered  14 acres on this site, and also a five acre lumber storage yard on the East side of town

1919 Gas Engine Information Sheet

 Here is a card showing a 1 1/2 hp Sandwich engine on a skid. It also shows all the sizes and options available in 1919.  Lots of other information listed also, suggested  RPM, weight, fuel capacity, etc.  

You can see some of these engines, and other machinery made in Sandwich later this month! Friday and Saturday June 23rd & 24 at the Sandwich Fairgrounds. 1401 Suydam Rd, Sandwich, il

The Southwick Baling Press 1893

  Before balers, hay presses were used to compress hay into bales. Before hay presses, hay was stored loose in the upper floor of the farmer...