Sandwich Companies prepare exhibits for the Worlds Fair

 Interesting article from the Sandwich Argus, April 13, 1893. Local companies are getting ready for the Columbian Exposition, the 1893 World's Fair to be held in Chicago that will open on May 1.  

Advertisement From the Kendall County News June 3rd, 1914

Nice full page ad from the Kendall County News in 1914. 

These old ads give us a nice timeline of what was going on at Sandwich Manufacturing. Notice the Chanticleer engine in the crib. This may be the last SMC advertisement showing the Chanticleer engines. SMC was rapidly gearing up their engine department, building new buildings and buying new machinery to begin producing engines on a much larger scale.    Although Sandwich had been producing gas engines on a limited scale for over a year, they had yet to 'officially' announce them to the general public. Numerous testimonials from people that have used and tested engines manufactured in 1913 exist, and I'll post some of those in the near future. As always, keep sending those comments and requests, and don't forget to hit the follow button at the top of the page. 

Happy Birthday Mr. Adams

 217 years ago today, May 10, 1806 Augustus Adams, the man that would introduce life changing machinery to farmers across the country and  alter  agriculture forever was born in Cayuga County, New York. In 1856 he came to Sandwich, where he opened a small machine shop that would become the Sandwich Manufacturing Company. They would  become the world's largest manufacturer of corn shellers in the world in the 1800's . His factory employed hundreds of people for over seventy years. Sending these products throughout the world, the Sandwich-Adams corn shellers quickly became the standard for reliable, dependable operation in all conditions. 

Adams & French Harvester

  Augustus Adams started developing binders and reapers in the summer of 1850 while he was still living in Elgin. He was the first to introd...