Tribune Article About the Sandwich-Adams Sheller Exhibit at the Interstate Industrial Exposition in 1877

More Sandwich-Adams shellers are sold annually than all other makes of shellers combined

Chicago Tribune 10/14/77

Our farming readers well know that to fully realize the value of a crop of corn it must be thoroughly shelled. This fact has been particularly impressed upon us during the entire time of the exposition just closed. The attention of our shrewd practical yeoman visitors has been attracted to no other exhibit in the entire display so much as by that of the Sandwich Manufacturing Company of Sandwich Illinois This celebrated manufacturing organization has shown working examples of the famous Sandwich-Adams Shellers and the simple, expeditious, and perfect manner in which the invention in question accomplished its work, was the theme of unceasing notice and praise from the beginning to the close of the Exposition. Not only did it continuously command the admiration of its old friends, the farmers of the Northwest, but its obvious mechanical excellence earned the frequent and hearty enthusiasms of practical men in all walks of life. These shellers are made in graded sizes to suit the needs of various buyers, and may be used by horses, steam, or hand power. They do their work in such an honest, complete style, stripping the cob clean of every kernel, that they have secured the goodwill of legions of users throughout the country. We find from careful inquiry that they hold control of the market everywhere, and that more Sandwich-Adams shellers are sold annually than of all other makes of shellers combined. With these admirable shellers at their command, the purchasers have always been able to shell their corn at home, right on their own farms, thereby saving enormously on the cost of transporting corn on the cob to market.

Indeed, it has always been a matter of wonder to us that farmers would ever send their corn to market on the cob, when they could save so much by the use of such an admirable invention. These superb shellers carefully separate the corn from the cobs, depositing the former, after cleaning it perfectly by fans, into a bag, wagon box, or bin. Nothing could be asked of a corn sheller, even by the most exacting and captious of critics, which is not here, fully met and accomplished. They are the result of years of experienced study and inventive genius, practically applied, and have proved to be exactly what was wanted by a long and severe trial. They are sold as absolutely satisfactory corn shellers and they fill the bill. The Sandwich Company also displayed one of their excellent Adams & French harvesters. No similar invention has ever earned such steady, unvarying recommendation. Whether used in cutting the thinnest of barley or heavy matted grain, it has always done its task in a clean, speedy, and workmanlike manner. These harvesters are now fitted, when desired, with a thoroughly efficient self-binder, making them, when thus complete, one of the grandest inventions in this, the era of bread producing and labor-saving machinery.  

We have always been especially impressed with the honest manner in which the Sandwich Company makes their goods. Only perfect material is ever used by them. In all their shellers and harvesters, the wood, steel, and iron is of the finest and most durable description. Their machines are made to last, and they don't disappoint. Taking everything into consideration, the fame of their machines, the excellence of their workmanship, and the continuous attention attracted, and admiration elicited by them, we must rank the display of this company as one of the most, if not the most, useful and valuable in the entire Exposition. To enable the farmers of the Great West to realize every cent possible on all their products is an object entitled to the special consideration of us all. This object is attained, in a remarkable degree, by the shellers and harvesters of the Sandwich Manufacturing Company. This fact has given them such deserved prominence at our Exposition and has compelled us to place them as Chief among all the displays. 

From the Chicago Tribune October 14, 1877


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